Mark Dagley
Asymmetric Variants Of Relationships and Fragments
The Fundación MAPFRE Guanarteme
Canary Islands, Spain
September 17 - November 27, 2020

"Asymmetric variants supposes a different way of considering today who we are and those around us in these times of isolation and cataclysm that condition us. To understand that we are not exclusive, but rather that we are characterized by our relationships, by our diversity; an awareness of our links and ties with our community and with the world.

To understand that we are a process of continuous transformation, that no one has a single, immutable and pure root. The realities of the world, the cultures and the languages ​​that we share are made up of encounters and disagreements, harmonies and disharmonies, interferences and confrontations, impositions and appropriations, adaptations and grafts, subtleties and deceptions…, without limits.

The group of artists that come together in this exhibition comes from different backgrounds and accumulates different stories. Like all of us, they are singularities. Like all of us, they are fragments. Fragments of something that can never become uniqueness or totality. And yet they all move between realities and abstractions , in a perhaps intermediate space that is only reflected in our thinking. They all inquire between ideas and forms, between the possible and the impossible. We can trace fortuitous relationships, unexpected translations, process and formulation variations in the works of GT Pellizzi and Peter Klare or Marita Fraser , between Mark Dagley and James E. Leary, between Pepo Salazar and Lilly Lulay . And in one way or another, they could all end between the fragmentary musings and the hallucinatory narratives and appropriations of Ellen Cantor . They all share parallel but asymmetrical concerns and interests. All intersect and intertwine, meet and disagree.

This exhibition, curated and organized by the Leyendecker Gallery for the MAPFRE Guanarteme Foundation, offers us the opportunity to learn about the work of a group of artists who represent the nature of art of our time; always in transition , always unstable and always fragmentary, as if it no longer proposed to become, but to be, finally, in infinity, in multiplicity and in the relationships in which it is expressed, in a proliferation that can no longer be dominated or numbered. "