Spencer Brownstone is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Jeff Gabel; this is the artist’s fifth solo show at the gallery. For this exhibition, Gabel will be producing a large wall drawing created in-situ at the gallery as well as a new 1935 novel, “Salwáre oder Die Magdalena von Bozen” by Carl Zuckmayer.
Translated from its original German, these drawings function as a defined materialization of Gabel’s limited comprehension and experience of the reading material. Gabel’s translations typically attempt a relatively literal portrayal of the content, while largely ignoring editorial conventions and appropriateness of style and voice. Legitimizing this activity through his drawings, they look very much like a dream; highly detailed surreal landscapes in which the subjects and environments melt into an interwoven scene, difficult to define where something begins and ends. The drawings feel very much like the experience of explaining a dream, a moment that we can feel and perceive clearly, but are not able to express verbally.
Throughout the month of April, Gabel will be creating the large wall drawing in the gallery; visitors are welcome to come and view the daily changes of the piece as well as to observe the artist at work.
Further Reading
This work has been featured in GAGARIN: THE ARTIST IN THEIR OWN WORDS magazine, based in Antwerp, Belgium. For more information about GAGARIN or to buy a copy of the magazine visit, www.gagarin.be